
Etsy Success: The Inside Scoop on Advertising





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March 27, 2009


Dear Sellers,

I'm a big fan of free promoting - but sometimes it does pay to advertise. In Tuesday's newsletter, Tamara explained how to build your brand, and advertising can help solidify this brand identity. I've collected some helpful reading material and advertising opportunities for you to check out. Please let me know if you have any advertising tips to share!

Etsy Showcases

.If you're a Bath & Beauty or Ceramics & Pottery seller, this may be a good time for you to jump on a category showcase spot! Etsy is currently highlighting these categories via front page banners and will be promoting these specific crafts in The Storque, Etsy's blog. Learn more about Showcases here.

In the coming months, we will continue with highlighted promotions of all the different categories and want to communicate our plans in advance so you can stay involved. I'll keep you updated here in the Etsy Success newsletters - and we'll also announce these plans in the Etsy forums and the Merchandising updates.





Bid Your Way to Banner Ads

.Project Wonderful allows you to bid on online ad space. You can create and upload buttons and banners, search for ad space by blog or site topics and purchase space all in one spot. The EtsyMarketing blog has a great article on this service. TimothyAdamsDesigns also has an informative Project Wonderful video here.

Tip: Think outside the box and don't post ads where you see many more from the same type of Etsy sellers. For example: have mod-themed jewelry? Why not check out advertising on the Vespa scooter forums?






First Things, First

Why should you advertise? ModishBlog has some thought-provoking questions and answers to share. From weighing the costs and setting expectations, to tips on creating the right ad for the right market it's all about building brand awareness in a way that works for your brand.









Free Advertising Ideas

1. Trade. Remember your handmade products have great value! Perhaps you could partner with a blog, zine or website to trade product for free ad space? Offer them a giveaway to their readers in exchange for a banner ad!
Tip: Find out what they usually charge for an ad and be prepared to offer the same value in merchandise.

2. Contact new blogs. Find a new blog that doesn't have ad space yet? Offer to be a guinea pig in exchange for sharing your feedback and perhaps results via your social networks or blog.

3. Search. Try searching "Free Etsy Advertising" in Google's blog search tool - I bet you'll find links to advertising giveaways.

4. Swap with a friend. Get in touch with some of your Etsy friends or teammates and swap ads to each others Etsy shops.
Tip: Choose a friend whose work is different from, but still complementary to your own.

5. Share your skills! Time Out New York wants to feature your DIY projects! They're looking for anything from a macramé plant holder to a total room re-do. If you're a New York City resident, simply send a photo and brief explanation of how you made it to seek@timeoutny.com, and you could become the featured DIY project of the week. Not in NYC? No worries! Submit your DIY projects for exposure to Whipup, Craftzine, or a home and garden blog!





Etsy Cooperative Advertising Program

Purchase a spot in a coop ad through Etsy! This is a great way to get into a big publication without dropping mega-moola. The next ad will be in the June/July 2009 issue of Bust Magazine. Spots will go on sale on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 1:00pm (EDT) Find out all the details here!
Tip: Before you buy an ad, make sure a publication is the right place to promote your work by becoming familiar with the magazine and its readership. If it's not the right fit, why not Team up with other sellers and create your own coop ad?





See you next week!




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