|  | Join the Direct Checkout Team Are you one of over 30,000 sellers accepting direct checkout in your shop? If so, join the team to talk about your experience so far and ask questions from your fellow sellers. Over 1,500 sellers are active in the team, providing support and feedback to Etsy so that we can continue to make improvements to this new feature. | |  | Handmade and Vintage fair Hudson Valley Join Etsy sellers from the Hudson Valley at Troy Flea, a weekly handmade and vintage fair in Troy, NY each Saturday this summer, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come on out to meet local sellers, learn about their creative process, and support our local living economy. Get creative and meet Etsy Admin at the Etsy-sponsored children's craft table on June 23, July 21 & August 25. |  | Have a wonderful week! | | |
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