| May 4, 2010 | |
There's an old proverb that goes, "If you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything." We all make mistakes. But what do you do to move on after you've realized something your doing isn't successful? The trick is to know where you have mis-stepped and to step right back out of it. "One business mistake I’ve made, up until about 6 months ago, was not renewing or relisting at least one item a day. For a while I didn’t realize you could renew items (um, should I be admitting that?). Etsy Hacks makes that much easier (you can renew from the item listing page). Etsy Hacks are essential tools, I don’t know what I'd do if I couldn’t search 'sold orders.'" Xenotees spells out a few more mistakes (and fixes) in this week's Quit Your Day Job interview. All you artists out there are probably familiar with the "happy accident." You're in the zone, with the end result in mind when something goes wrong. You take a step back and realize, what went wrong might just be right. I read this blog post, Your Choices Will Change the World, and realized how you choose to handle mistakes might be the most important choices you have to make. So take a deep breath and remember, "All of us make mistakes, sometimes big ones, so you might as well make your mistakes count for something good." Etsy seller, StarglowStudio, has a fun series of Forum threads that can help you increase traffic to your shop from your Facebook Fan Page. Check out all seven here. Wondering how to create your own Facebook Fan Page? It's easy! Here's a step-by-step how-to. xo, P.S. Bay Area sellers! We're hosting a meet up tomorrow night (May 5th) in San Francisco. Come on down for some drinks and snacks on us! P.P.S. Georgia sellers! Etsy will host two meet ups in Savannah and Atlanta. More details here. | Helpful Forum Threads Tweaks that Tripled my Takings! Repeat Buyers...Your Ticket to Success Etsy News — What You Need to Know |
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