For the first part of this week's shop makeover series, we're going to focus on stories. I recently met an inspiring jewelry artist and professional storyteller, Linda Garbe, and I asked her to guide us with a few exercises. These exercises will help you pin down your stories and share them with the world.
If you're still feeling a little lost about telling your story, your next task is to check out this guest post by Johnny B. Truant. Johnny wants to make sure you're not leaving it in your buyer's hands to come up with the story – take the initiative and add to the value of what you're selling by giving the buyer your story to tell.
Speaking in the first person will help you connect with your visitor on a personal level — and isn't that what they are looking for when they come to shop on Etsy? Instead of saying, "The sterling silver pendant was hand forged," you want to say something like, "I hand forged this sterling silver pendant in my Portland studio."
On Thursday, we're going to get more hands-on with your titles, descriptions and tags. Submit your shop to be made over in one of these Etsy Success team threads. And don't forget to let us know how you're doing!
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