June 30, 2009
Have you been reading Etsy's blog, the Storque this summer? I hope so! There's a lot of cool and relevant news that can help enhance your Etsy experience. Here are some highlights (but make sure you frequent the blog for the latest updates!):
Handmade Code: Etsy Hacks

Need an extra hand managing your Etsy Shop's item listings? EtsyHacks is here to lend one! Ehax (husband to Etsy seller, twolittlewrens) has created a way to copy your item listings with the click of a button. How does it work? When you're viewing your own items, this script adds a link to create a new listing based on the content of the existing listing. To find out more about this API script, check out our interview with EtsyHacks.
Getting Creative with Moo
Etsy's partnership with Moo continues with another great special just for Etsians! For the next two weeks, spend $30 on Moo.com and get free shipping on your order. See the Storque for more info and the coupon code. This is a great time to stock up on Moo MiniCards (mini business cards that display photos of your work). There's something about the compact size that draws attention. What's more, you can use up to 100 full color photos, and these photos can be pulled right from your Etsy shop. Check out some cool examples in this blog post.
Craft Show Applications Unravelled
Summer craft shows are in full swing, and mentions of fall and holiday shows are starting to pop up. The dreaded cycle filling out vendor applications and then waiting and anticipating to see if you've made it never seems to end. Check out this blog post for great tips from the ladies of HelloCraft on crafting those applications.
Handmade Code: Craft Cult

Want to quickly find out how many hearts or views all of your shop items have? Ever wonder if your item was featured on the Etsy homepage? Craft Cult's Heartomatic and The Vault are two fun and easy utilities that meet these needs (with a cute design to boot). Check out our interview with Craft Cult developers and rock star Etsians magicjelly and juln!