| | August 7, 2010 | Happy August, everyone,
I am so excited to share that despite the heat here in Brooklyn, we have been making some serious headway with production on the Groups tool. At this stage, we are asking team leaders who are interested in working with us as volunteer beta testers to take this survey. Learn more about the first stages of the project here.
My next edition of the Teams Office Hours, will be held on Tuesday, August 10 at 10:30 a.m. ET. To join the fun, just visit the Virtual Labs and click on Classroom.
| Team News From All Over | 
The PDX Etsy Street Team has been doing great work with the Pacific Northwest College of Art this summer. As a part of a collaboration with Etsy, they have set up a program called I Heart Art: Portland that has produced a free professional development workshop series and continues to post great content on their blog.
We're all about shark week! Check out these inspired treasuries. Are there any ocean-inspired teams out there? Jump on in, the water is fine!
Have a project that your team has been meaning to make happen? Apply for a Team Grant and make those dreams come true. This month's applications are due August 15!
| | What's Going on at Etsy? | Our international presence is growing strong. Meet the Etsy Admin working abroad in the most recent Postcard from Europe.
And... browsing Etsy in your own currency is now officially live!! Read all about it in this blog post.
Take Care, Morgan
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