
Etsy Success: Get Off the Internet







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July 9, 2009
Today I'm going to give you some very strange advice: get off the internet. (Some advice I may need to take myself!) I'm not saying to go away for long, but I have put together a few ideas to help you get motivated, energized and excited about being online again!

Hang Out with Like-minded Artists


Craft shows are an awesome opportunity, not only to sell your work, but to connect with other artists and crafters. There's a whole slew of resources on our blog, the Storque, to help you with craft shows.



Handmade Moment Video Contest

.Hit the streets with your video camera and get some footage for the Handmade Moment Video contest! There are over 50 submissions already, so don't get left in the dust. Get your entry in soon, soon, soon.

What is the Handmade Moment contest? It's the video contest Etsy is running this summer. We want to see your 15 or 30 second video spots that spread the Etsy love. Check out the announcement for the rules, deadlines and how to get involved. Oh, and the prize? A total of $10,000 will be given to top runners. Cha-ching!


Get Inspired


On the West Coast of the U.S. of A. or Canada? Etsy's heading out to L.A., San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, and we want to chat with you! Check out our tour schedule here: West Coast Etsians, Let's Get Together.


How-to Network Offline: Increase Online Sales in Five Easy Steps


Etsy seller and business maven katydiddy generously volunteered her entrepreneurial skills (and MBA!) with five helpful tips for online sellers to market themselves in the "offline" world. Katy suggests, "Introducing a new and constant stream of people to your business is a challenge, and you need to start looking beyond the online world in order to achieve the success you desire. A great way to do this is to start exploring traditional networking venues." Read on for her five tips!





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