
Etsy Success: 9 Tips to Get Inspired





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May 7, 2009



Do you ever get creatively stuck? Ever just stare at your sketchbook and feel uninspired? I know we've all felt this way, so today's newsletter will share a thoughtful blog post by Amy of Pikaland.


For your first stop, check out our Process and How-Tuesday series over at Etsy's Blog, The Storque.



Inspiring Creativity: 9 Tips to Be More Creative

The topic at hand is Inspiring Creativity, and so I'll break it down to manageable chunks — remember all these ideas aren't new at all, but these are the ones that worked for me to get me into gear:

.1) Get Out There
Creativity is fueled by experiences, sights, sounds and smells. Sitting still won't bring new ideas in; experimenting and trying new things will jog your creativity.




.2) Create a Ritual
I maintain a certain pattern to the day, with my morning bath signalling me that I am starting my work with a fresh mind and spirit. After breakfast is when my day officially begins — I turn on the radio and look at my to-do list (see #3).




.3) Put it to Bed
I jot down notes every night before I go to bed about what I need to accomplish the next day. This way, I'm actively placing my worries onto paper, so I can go to bed not fretting about what needs to be done.




.4) Divide and Conquer
I have a box labeled for each different project I'm involved in. By tossing everything I have in one box, I don't worry about misplacing things or ideas. This tip was inspired by The Creative Habit.




.5) A Place for Everything
I also keep a different sketchbook for different topics and ideas. I have one for business, one for random sketches and another for my writing. And in these sketchbooks I sometimes allocate different sections so that my thoughts don't get messed up too much (there is no search function on them, like on a computer!)




.6) Keep it Handy
Throw these sketchbooks all over the place, so when I have a thought I scribble it down quickly.




.7) Sharpen Your Focus
Try and find the pattern between things, and connect the dots between random things just for fun. When I see the color yellow around me, then I start to focus on finding yellow things — stuff that I didn't notice before will show themselves. I'm heightening my sense of awareness by narrowing my focus on one thing.




.8) Change it Up
Doing things differently helps. I love calligraphy, but sometimes I seem to be stuck in a rut. When that happens, I stop and analyze what I could do differently. A little more pressure on the downward stroke? Or how about adding more flourishes to that letter? It may take me a week of constant practice, but eventually I free up my hand.



.9) Practice, Practice, Practice
Creativity is like a muscle that you need to flex regularly. I dread staring at a blank piece of paper, but everything begins with that first stroke. I'm a perfectionist, so I train myself to not use erasers. And if I do make mistakes, I start on a new piece of paper — that way I let new ideas in and not dwell on what I previously did.



Continue reading Amy's post to find the books in her collection that she picks up whenever she needs a creative boost. I also highly recommend part 2 in this series, Creativity, Competition & Copycats.

More inspiring posts on our blog, The Storque, too!

Now go make something!






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